2 research outputs found

    Distinctive biophysical features of human cell-types: insights from studies of neurosurgically resected brain tissue

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    Electrophysiological characterization of live human tissue from epilepsy patients has been performed for many decades. Although initially these studies sought to understand the biophysical and synaptic changes associated with human epilepsy, recently, it has become the mainstay for exploring the distinctive biophysical and synaptic features of human cell-types. Both epochs of these human cellular electrophysiological explorations have faced criticism. Early studies revealed that cortical pyramidal neurons obtained from individuals with epilepsy appeared to function “normally” in comparison to neurons from non-epilepsy controls or neurons from other species and thus there was little to gain from the study of human neurons from epilepsy patients. On the other hand, contemporary studies are often questioned for the “normalcy” of the recorded neurons since they are derived from epilepsy patients. In this review, we discuss our current understanding of the distinct biophysical features of human cortical neurons and glia obtained from tissue removed from patients with epilepsy and tumors. We then explore the concept of within cell-type diversity and its loss (i.e., “neural homogenization”). We introduce neural homogenization to help reconcile the epileptogenicity of seemingly “normal” human cortical cells and circuits. We propose that there should be continued efforts to study cortical tissue from epilepsy patients in the quest to understand what makes human cell-types “human”

    Investigating microglia-neuron crosstalk by characterizing microglial contamination in human and mouse patch-seq datasets

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    Summary: Microglia are cells with diverse roles, including the regulation of neuronal excitability. We leveraged Patch-seq to assess the presence and effects of microglia in the local microenvironment of recorded neurons. We first quantified the amounts of microglial transcripts in three Patch-seq datasets of human and mouse neocortical neurons, observing extensive contamination. Variation in microglial contamination was explained foremost by donor identity, particularly in human samples, and additionally by neuronal cell type identity in mice. Gene set enrichment analysis suggests that microglial contamination is reflective of activated microglia, and that these transcriptional signatures are distinct from those captured via single-nucleus RNA-seq. Finally, neurons with greater microglial contamination differed markedly in their electrophysiological characteristics, including lowered input resistances and more depolarized action potential thresholds. Our results generalize beyond Patch-seq to suggest that activated microglia may be widely present across brain slice preparations and contribute to neuron- and donor-related electrophysiological variability in vitro